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Janssen pede à Anvisa aprovação da dose de reforço contra covid-19

Segundo a farmacêutica, aplicação de reforço dois meses depois da primeira dose aumenta níveis de anticorpos em até seis vezes

Fábio Matos
Caixas de vacinas da Janssen (Johnson&Johnson) em geladeira Johnson and Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine arrives at Javits Vaccination Site Kimberly Leonard, deputy director for narcotic enforcement, assigned to the New York State Department of Health, oversees the safe handling and storage of the first doses of the Johnson and Johnson vaccine in support of state efforts to provide mass COVID-19 vaccinations administered by the New York State Department of Health, at the Javits Convention Center in Manhattan, New York, March 03, 2021. The National Guard has hundreds of Guardsmen and women deployed to the vaccination site to support staffing for the site. The New York State Department of Health conducts vaccination efforts for essential workers and members of the community over age 65 beginning January 13, 2021. Eligible members of the public, 18 and over, can register for a vaccine appointment through the Department of Health website: www1.nyc.gov/site/doh/covid/covid-19-vaccines.page. (U.S. Army National Guard photo by Sgt. Sebastian Rothwyn)
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